Marketing with Purpose

In a world oversaturated with advertisements and constant digital noise, business audience are no longer just looking for products and services —they are often looking for brands that stand for something. Purpose-driven marketing isn’t just a trend; it’s a powerful strategy that aligns a brand’s values with those of its audience, fostering trust, loyalty, and… Continue reading Marketing with Purpose

Will AI Render Marketers Obsolete?

Much is being written about Generative Artificial Intelligence, a type of AI technology that can produce various types of content – including text, imagery, audio along with analyzing huge amounts of data fast and automating many tasks. It begs several questions for B2B marketers and corporate senior management – what can AI do better than… Continue reading Will AI Render Marketers Obsolete?

News, news everywhere, but does it help me think?

Our observation is derived from the famous poem “Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink” in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by English author Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The feelings evoked here may seem familiar when it comes to seeking relevant, engaging, and concise business and investing related news online these days. There are… Continue reading News, news everywhere, but does it help me think?

Is Clean Hydrogen the Next Big Thing for US Carbon Reduction Efforts?

Think of Hydrogen. Its symbol is H2 with the atomic number 1. It is the most abundant chemical substance in the universe, constituting 75% of all normal matter. It is colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, and highly combustible. It is also an alternative fuel that can may in fact be the key to a low-carbon future… Continue reading Is Clean Hydrogen the Next Big Thing for US Carbon Reduction Efforts?

Is Now the Right Time for US Banks to Focus on Building Brand Trust?

These are not easy times for the US banking sector to say the least. Equity valuations have taken a beating following the failure of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank in NYC back in March. The Dow Jones US Bank Index is -23.94% for the last year. CNN reported that US banks are sitting on… Continue reading Is Now the Right Time for US Banks to Focus on Building Brand Trust?


Marketing professionals know that identifying the right target audience is vital in B2B. The trouble is that it’s often easier to think about things other than the customer – and that can set you off in a completely wrong direction. As the Cheshire Cat observes in Lewis Carroll’s classic book “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” –… Continue reading 7 WAYS TO IDENTIFY THE RIGHT B2B AUDIENCE

What is US “Energy Security?” Why Does it Matter?

What is “Energy Security” and why should people even worry about it? The International Energy Association (IEA) defines it simply as “the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at affordable prices.” They go on to note that “Energy security has many aspects: long-term energy security mainly deals with timely investments to supply energy in line with… Continue reading What is US “Energy Security?” Why Does it Matter?