Can the Average Person Do Anything About Global Warming?

It’s high time to face facts – 2023 was not a great year for planet earth. We bring this to the attention of the 139 elected officials in the US Congress who still deny the scientific consensus of human-caused climate change; and the likes of UK’s Global Warming Policy Foundation who according to the London… Continue reading Can the Average Person Do Anything About Global Warming?


In Scotland, we’re lucky to have water that’s world-class. It’s clean, clear, great tasting and we can enjoy it at home at the turn of a tap. However, it’s a different story when we’re out and about. Most of us are too embarrassed to ask to use a tap in a café or bar, so… Continue reading TOP UP TAPS: SUSTAINABLE HYDRATION FOR THE NATION

Is Clean Hydrogen the Next Big Thing for US Carbon Reduction Efforts?

Think of Hydrogen. Its symbol is H2 with the atomic number 1. It is the most abundant chemical substance in the universe, constituting 75% of all normal matter. It is colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, and highly combustible. It is also an alternative fuel that can may in fact be the key to a low-carbon future… Continue reading Is Clean Hydrogen the Next Big Thing for US Carbon Reduction Efforts?

3 Sustainable Business Trends Shaping 2023

As the first half of the year nearly draws to a close, our intern Stella takes a closer look at 3 sustainability trends that are shaping 2023. 1. ESG Standards & Regulation In recent years, environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors have gained recognition as drivers of long-term growth and shareholder value. While ESG-focused investment… Continue reading 3 Sustainable Business Trends Shaping 2023

Identifying Best Practices in ESG Marketing & Communications

In recent years, asset managers have channeled vast amounts of capital into ESG-focused equities and investment funds. Partly, it’s due the growing global awareness, interest and concern about ESG-focused issues. But it’s mostly because there’s compelling evidence that companies which do better environmentally, socially and administratively tend to do better financially. In October 2022, PwC… Continue reading Identifying Best Practices in ESG Marketing & Communications

C2ES: Celebrating a First Mover in Helping Reduce Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

C2ES / Center for Climate and Energy Solutions is celebrating their 25th Anniversary this spring. They deserve kudos for being a true first mover and thought leader in efforts to secure a safe and stable global climate by accelerating the transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. This non-partisan NFP organization was established as the Pew… Continue reading C2ES: Celebrating a First Mover in Helping Reduce Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Is it Possible to Make Smarter ESG-Driven Investment Decisions?

It is no surprise that massive amounts of capital have flowed towards ESG-focused companies and investment funds on both sides of the Atlantic in recent years, based on greater awareness of sustainability issues, growing recognition from organizations like McKinsey that ESG factors can have a positive material impact on a company’s performance, regulatory pressures, and… Continue reading Is it Possible to Make Smarter ESG-Driven Investment Decisions?

What is US “Energy Security?” Why Does it Matter?

What is “Energy Security” and why should people even worry about it? The International Energy Association (IEA) defines it simply as “the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at affordable prices.” They go on to note that “Energy security has many aspects: long-term energy security mainly deals with timely investments to supply energy in line with… Continue reading What is US “Energy Security?” Why Does it Matter?

Can We Overcome this Huge Obstacle to Achieving US Net Zero Carbon Emissions?

At the USEA / US Energy Association’s Annual State of the Energy Industry Forum held in Washington DC in January – one of the recurring themes discussed by many of the nearly two dozen US energy sector association leaders was the call for energy infrastructure permitting reform. So – what on earth is this? Why… Continue reading Can We Overcome this Huge Obstacle to Achieving US Net Zero Carbon Emissions?

How Can Artificial Intelligence Help the Transition to Global Green Energy?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the rage now, especially applications for image & speech recognition, natural language processing (NLP) for language translation & chatbots and for things like fraud detection, helping develop autonomous vehicle and financial trading / portfolio management. But there is an area of AI application that may have a huge and positive… Continue reading How Can Artificial Intelligence Help the Transition to Global Green Energy?