Well-Being at Work: Where Compassion & Confidence Spark Creativity

Let’s be honest. Sometimes agency life feels like a rollercoaster—equal parts thrilling and terrifying. But here at Always Be Content, we’ve never believed that great work should come at the expense of mental health. We’re a B-Corp, after all. We balance purpose with profit, which means the well-being of our people is as important as the results we deliver. And, spoiler alert, when you prioritise your people, those results are better.

Compassion and Confidence = Creativity

It’s a simple formula, but an important one. Creativity thrives in an environment of compassion and confidence. David Bowie famously said, “When you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting.” But that doesn’t mean you need to be in deep waters (or deep stress) to be creative. The best ideas often surface when you venture just outside your comfort zone. It’s about pushing new boundaries, being unafraid to experiment and, better yet, unafraid to fail. All of this is possible in a consistently supportive environment.


This culture fuels the type of creativity our clients crave. It fosters resilience in the face of stress or struggle. And we uphold this culture through daily practices that promote collaboration and well-being. How, you ask? Well, our recipe looks like this:


– Holacracy: We make decisions together and encourage everyone to share their opinions, especially those that usually wouldn’t be voiced.

– Work-Life Balance: We maintain a healthy work-life balance through an employee well-being allowance and flexible hours.

– Continuous Learning: We prioritise training and development to help our team grow.

Red-Hot Confidence

This year, we dialled things up a notch by bringing in the brilliant Mel Sherwood, a confidence coach who encouraged us to ‘Be More Red.’ But what does that mean? Mel’s all about boosting self-belief through her unexpected RED Theory—think of that bold, empowering feeling you get when you wear red. The right mindset can make all the difference between just showing up and truly owning the room.


Mel challenged us to dig deep and discover what empowers us individually. Each team member chose three words—one beginning with R, E, and D—as mantras for self-assurance. From Resilient, Empowered, and Driven to Reflective, Engaging, and Dynamic, these words have helped us step into every situation with renewed purpose, confidence, and clarity. They’re our personal power-ups. So, whether we’re presenting a campaign strategy, brainstorming new ideas, or tackling a tricky client call, we all feel equipped to handle it. Go on, why not try it for yourself?

It’s for Life, Not Just for Christmas

Here’s the thing: mental wellness isn’t just a ‘nice’ thing for a company to care about; it’s essential. We know the stereotype of agency life: looming deadlines, adrenaline, caffeine, and challenges aplenty. But we firmly believe that no challenge should send you spiralling. Creativity simply doesn’t thrive on anxiety—it thrives on compassion and confidence. There’s even science to back it up.


So, while this year’s World Mental Health Day is focused upon mental health in the workplace, it’s not just a box we tick once a year. Supporting our team’s mental wellness is baked into how we work. We’re not just about making content, we’re about feeling content! We know when our team is happy; when our people are flourishing, our purpose and our profits naturally follow. That’s the kind of healthy balance we’re all about.

Find Your Own RED!

We encourage you to reflect on your workplace environment. What three words would you choose to empower yourself or your business? For more insights on the RED theory, explore Mel Sherwood’s work and discover how you can cultivate a culture of confidence in your own team.

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