Zoe’s Slow Fashion Story

“It was like a Tardis full of unique clothes”

Not every item of ‘slow fashion’ needs to be second-hand, vintage, recycled or upcycled. I just think you need to make mindful choices about what you wear, looking for things which you love and which will last. This dress was made by my auntie, Anne Higgins, who’s a clothes designer. It’s a one-off, like all her pieces, and made of hand-knitted Irish linen.


She studied at the Scottish College of Textiles, then moved to London, and opened her own shop in Notting Hill. Like a Tardis full of unique clothes, her small store features chic, lovingly made items from knitted wool garments to rich hand-dyed silks.

My auntie describes her clothes as ‘Art to Wear’, and I think that’s a fitting description. There’s too much ‘trashion’ in the world already. So it’s nice to remember that, beyond the mountains of mass produced, landfill-ready fashion, there are small, independent designers and makers who are as individual as you are, and would love to see you wear their wares.

“She took out her needle and yarn and started work”

This lovely little jumper was knitted by my Maltese grandmother. We chose the pattern together when I was visiting. Then she took out her needle and yarn and started work. It took her a few weeks to finish, and she gave it to me when I came back to Malta a few months later. My grandmother passed away a few years ago, but she lives on in her knitting.


This denim dress used to be my mum’s. It was full length, but we cropped it to be a mini dress and I wear it all the time! I think it’s a bit sad that so many of us in the modern world have lost these skills – to make, mend or alter clothes rather than churning through cheaply made fashion wear.
